Picture courtesy of Homeless Link

Housing First Pilot Interim Reports

All those who work on the ICM programme know that Housing First works for the most complex of individuals with complicated housing histories.We’re at a point in the pilot where we’ve now seen those written off by others in the city being housed, staying in housing and making a home for themselves – often for the first time.

Because we feel so strongly about how Housing First has made a difference with our cohort, it makes it even more exciting when our feelings are are independently confirmed by others who are respected in their field.  This week we share two interim evaluation reports which have considered the findings so far for the Housing First pilot.

The evaluations cover both the qualitative and cost benefit aspects of the pilot.  They’ve been prepared by the University of York’s Centre for Housing Policy and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s Research team (formerly New Economy).

The interim reports show positive benefits of the Housing First approach, both in terms of lives changed and improved and also money saved to the public purse.

Final reports evaluating the whole pilot (which ends in March 2018) will be available in summer 2018 and we are anticipating that the findings will support the contention that Housing First, run close to proven principles, works for people who are homeless in Manchester.

If you have any questions or want to know more, please get in touch.

To read the GMCA Report on cost-benefit, click here.

To read the University of York’s report on the qualitative impact, click here.

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