
  • Housing First Pilot Interim Reports

    By Sarah Walters

    All those who work on the ICM programme know that Housing First works for the most complex of individuals with complicated housing histories.

  • World Mental Health & World Homelessness Day

    By Ben Whalley

    Today marks World Homelessness Day and World Mental Health Day and there are events going on to mark both around the globe.

  • Leading on changes in Mental Health and Homelessness

    By Carmen Byrne

    The Mental Health Action Group is part of Manchester’s Homelessness Charter. Our action group includes individuals with lived experiences of mental health issues and homelessness, as well as individuals from organisations across the voluntary and statutory sectors.

  • Women’s Restore Support Network Sessions

    By Ben Whalley

    The Innovation Partnership Fund has been making up to £500 available to communities and grass roots groups and organisations across Manchester for just under a year.

  • Co-production in research – An unexplored frontier?

    By James Found

    We have all seen how co-production in services has gained great traction over recent years, especially in developing services for people facing multiple needs and social exclusion.

  • “Realising what makes us special” – Art Therapy in ICM

    By Dave Kelly

    Some time ago my colleagues, Catherine, Carl and Nina proposed an art therapy course for clients to participate in.  The focus was simple – people would not only enjoy the world of creating wonderful pieces of art but also learn something about themselves in the process.

  • At a Glance – May 2017

    By Ben Whalley

    This At a Glance focuses on co-production and some of the key things that ensure the relationship between people using services, people delivering services (and the communities around both) can become powerful agents of change. There are some pieces of practical advice around how to introduce co-production or see where you, your group or organisation […]

  • ICM Forum – Adventures at the Bridgewater Hall

    By Mark Jepson

    I wanted to write a blog about our service user night out with the ICM Service User Forum.  It was arranged by our delivery partner Back on Track who were given some free tickets from the Bridgewater Hall for an orchestral piece called ‘Wall of Water’.

  • One Voice Inspired

    By Darren Scholes

    My name is Darren. I am 37 years old and I’m an addict in recovery. Simply you are reading this because of ICM; they have given me freely the gift of life. More so they have given my family their life back too.

  • Inspiring Change through Peer Mentoring

    By Stuart Spencer

    Stuart is a Peer Mentor with a wealth of insight from lived experience. He writes here about how he’s shared his experiences and inspired others.

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