Watch and Learn- The Launch of Our No Wrong Door Principle Videos

You might have already heard of the concept of ‘No Wrong Door’, but have you ever really thought about what this means in practise and how to use it?

Early on into our programme and as part of our test and learn approach we explored how to address some of the barriers the people we worked with said had made things difficult for them to access services and support. Central to this was the work our Core group (experts by experience) carried out alongside wider stakeholders across the city. Following a series of workshops, consultations and presentations, a set of principles were developed as a guide. This could be used by services to help improve experiences for people with multiple needs in Manchester accessing support. These four core No Wrong Door principles centred around Access, Practice, Information & Communication and Expertise.

In our final year we wanted to ensure our learning continues to be shared and services continue to use the No Wrong Door principles. So, at the start of 2021 we decided to create a series of animated films exploring the concept to help with this.

We wanted to work with a production company that understood the ethos of ICM and our community, so when Mighty Giant responded to the project brief we knew this would be a perfect fit. Mighty Giant are an animation studio based in Manchester who recognise the strong sense of community that ICM have built and shared the philosophy of our No Wrong Door approach.     

 “it’s clear to us that these films need to be inclusive, honest, hopeful and humanising. We need to tell the stories from the members and staff”– Mighty Giant

It was important that these videos were co-designed by our wider membership and used the voices of people involved in our service. In the videos you hear from some of our GROW Trainees and previous members who have knowledge from working within the No Wrong Door principles. They talk about their experiences working for ICM and how Access, Practice, Information and Expertise helps with providing support to members. Mighty Giant then developed animations which reflected what they had heard.

From this the five No Wrong Door principles videos were created! The first video explains the concept as a whole with the rest of the videos then focusing in more depth on the individual priorities.

This week our ICM Twitter page will be taken over to focus on the concept of No Wrong Door and to launch these videos looking a bit closer at why these principles are so important. We will also be sharing some of the work ICM have done over the past 8 years which illustrates the No Wrong Door principles in action. Throughout this week we hope to reach as many different audiences as possible to spread the message so that the way organisations support people with lived experience of multiple disadvantage continues to strengthen and improve.

Get involved on our twitter @InspChangeManc using our Hashtag #NoWrongDoorPrinciples

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